Banner Ads Demystified

New to online advertising? At Ad Layer we have been doing this for a looong time, so in theory, we should have an idea on what we are talking about. Let our support team – who handle inquiries way trickier than these, day in and day out – quickly answer a few questions that someone fairly new to digital advertising might ask. 


Why should I even care about how much my banners weigh? 

Easy. The weight of your banners directly impacts loading times, user experience, and ultimately, your campaign’s success. Heavy banners load slowly, leading to frustrated users who bounce before your message even loads. By optimizing your banner weight, you ensure fast-loading times and seamless experience which will keep your audience engaged and clicking. Your goal is to be seen and to get those clicks, right?


What is weighing so much in my html5 ad? And how do I make it smaller?

 Good question! Ads consist of 4 things:

  • The html file with scripts: This one doesn’t usually weigh that much and there is very little we can do to affect it.
  • The font files can be heavier but you can always use technology such as subsetting (as Ad Layer does) to create smaller font files. Try to use smaller number of fonts – and if you need to have a lot of different fonts, you can flatten them into images.
  • The images are usually the biggest files. Luckily they can be easily optimized by resizing and adding compression on each and every image.
  • Video banners (as the name suggests) need videos and can be very heavy. The secret here is to use streaming tech such as SeenThis, and the load can be very little to start with.


What are some of the most used online banner formats?


Leaderboard banner (728×90 pixels)
Some like it wide. A “Leaderboard” spans the width of a webpage, typically positioned at the top. It offers prime real estate for brand messages and is widely used for its visibility across various devices.

Medium Rectangle banner (300×250 pixels)
Often spotted in the sidebar or within content, this common format strikes a balance between size and impact. Its versatility makes it a favourite for both desktop and mobile advertising 

Skyscraper banner (160×600 pixels)
Tall and slim, the classic skyscraper banner commands attention alongside content, especially so on desktop screens. Its vertical orientation is ideal for showcasing products or services in detail, and it has been one of the most commonly used banners for a while now.


Why on earth should I use video in my banners?

Video has become the new king of content, and for good reasons. Incorporating video into your banners adds a dynamic element that grabs attention and conveys messages with greater impact. From product demonstrations to storytelling, video engages audiences in ways static images rarely can match. Plus, with autoplay and sound options, you can tailor the user experience to maximize engagement and conversions.


What defines “a Good Ad”?

Ah, this is a great question! A good ad is one that not only captures attention but also delivers results. It starts with understanding your audience and crafting a message that resonates with their needs and desires. Visual appeal, concise copy, and a compelling call-to-action are essential elements. And if you want to improve the results (like we think you should) use targeting to make sure you efficiently reach your target audience. Beyond that, tracking and analyzing performance metrics will help you to iterate and optimize for better outcomes. A good ad drives action – whether it’s clicks, conversions, or brand recognition. A great ad delivers great results.

Get the most out of your communication

Sounds like Ad Layer might be the solution you’ve been looking for? We’re happy to tell you more about it and see how it can fit into your marketing. Book a demo and we’ll take you on a grand tour of the solution to your ad management problems.

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